Waltham Forest Hackathon 2019

For the third year, Walthamstuff is organising a hackathon in association with Waltham Forest Council to celebrate November as Digital Month in the borough. This time we’re teaming up with Waltham Forest Connected to produce a map and listings for as many Waltham Forest businesses as we can, helping residents to shop locally and for bourgh-based businesses to be able to source services from their neighbouring enterprises.

We kicked off Digital Month on the 1st November at One Hoe Street with a day of coding and presentations on social media, and we have a closing event planned for the 29th November to do some more hacking and show off what we’ve produced. For the closing event we need coders (or wannabe coders!) to help us out. If you’re interested in coming along to one of the events, please sign up over on Ticketlab.

If you run a business in Waltham Forest and would like your business to be listed in the upcoming directory, please upload your business details to WF Connected.


As part of Digital Month, we’re teaming up with social media monitoring startup Gofamer to give free access to their tools for the whole of November for all Waltham Forest businesses. Over the course of the month, the business that’s grown their social presence the most will win free access to Gofamer for the whole year. If you’d like to participate, sign up on Gofamer we’ll send you an invite.